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Writer's pictureBlossom Bitting

Healthier "Back to School" with Naturopathic Medicine

It's getting to be that time of the year again, for those of us with children, that catch phrase "back to school" is headlining emails, flyers and social media posts, all making offers to parents and children alike.

When it comes to naturopathic medicine, we have so much to offer as support when it comes to keeping your kids healthy for the year ahead. Your goal may just be to start your kids off right, with a healthy breakfast, nutritious lunch and a few supplemental micro nutrients. On the other hand, you may want to meet to initiate treatment for one of the many things we treat school aged children for in my practice.

Immune Support

Daycares and school are notorious for being "snot factories". I think that the break from regular exposure to those day to day bugs over the past few years has made many of our summers feel like it's been a non-stop upper respiratory track infection. Immune support in the form of optimum nutrition, time outside, herbal and vitamin supplementation are common areas of focus when I meet with school aged children.


Kids and adults alike, with or without formal diagnosis, can benefit from the neurological support that comes with optimizing omega three fatty acid intake. Some folks with ADHD also benefit from supplementing with herbal stimulants, while others can focus better while taking a gentle sedative. Many children benefit from being on pharmaceutical ADHD medication, and naturopathic medicine fits in as a way to decrease side effects like decreased appetite and insomnia that can come along with the benefits those medications provide.


Going to school, started at a new school, or staying in school when things become difficult are all situations that can be anxiety provoking for many. B vitamins, GABA and herbs like chamomile and passionflower are gentle interventions that can help when general or specific anxieties start to interfere with a students attendance or general educational experience. Helping a student return to school with ease and confidence is such a rewarding element to supporting young adults and children with naturopathic medicine.

Tummy Trouble

Sorting through the clues that gastro-intestinal symptoms can present is one of our super powers as naturopathic doctors. Food sensitivities, microbiome disruption, and anxiety are all underlying causes of "IBS" and other gastro-intestinal disruptions. We can work together to customize; food intake, probiotic and fibre supplementation, and intestinal lining support, to get things working moving smoothly again.


A well rested mind and body are so crucial for optimum learning and best behavior. Sometimes basic interventions like shutting off screens, avoiding caffeine, using ultraviolet light therapy, and supplementing with morning vitamin D, can go a long way in establishing a healthier sleep cycle. Other times; acupuncture, and gently sedative herbs or nutrients are used to help move students into more restful sleep cycles.

If any of this information spoke to your situation, or you'd like to know more about what naturopathic medicine can do to support your student's experience, please do reach out, now is the time to start support for the upcoming school year.

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